Our partner Mustafa Durakoğlu attended this year’s Bilkent University Law Students Forum.


Bilkent University’s Career in Law Club organized the 12th Law Students Forum this year, where our partner Mustafa Durakoğlu met with aspiring young lawyers and shared his experiences in Project Finance. We thank the Career in Law Club for their invitation.

We have learned that some malicious people have recently been demanding money via phone using the name and address of Çakmak Attorney Partnership and some lawyer names, threatening that they have debts and that enforcement proceedings will be initiated against them if they do not pay to the account number provided.

Our Attorney Partnership does not call anyone with the threat of enforcement proceedings and the request for payment of money, and does not share any account information.

We kindly request that you do not heed such requests and calls made to you.

We present it for your information.